I feel additional regulation on inverse and leveraged funds who prohibit me from diversifying my account. I already invest in high risk stocks like penny stocks and I also short stocks so I maximize my annual gains. While I may lose money occasionally I fully accept that risk. I'm only putting a small percentage into these funds and the majority of my money is in less risky stocks.
Sirs, I wish to continue investing in leveraged and inverse funds.
I am against the proposal, S7-24-15, to restrict trading in leveraged funds. My wife and I depend on leveraged ETFs as part of our investments strategy, and we should continue to have that freedom, as I take the time to research investments in order to make the best choices for our accounts. That is my right as a citizen of this country. If my investments decline, that's on me and I accept
I oppose any change to the current rules which would prohibit or limit the use of the funds under the proposed rule. These funds provide unique opportunities for investors - many of which are individual investors - to enhance returns that would not be available in the absence of these investment vehicles. Please do not impose this Proposed Rule. Thank you
Do not hinder the use, this investment option etf gives the little guy the ability to compete with the big boys, in other words it democratizes the investment environment.
Please don't make these restrictions. We are aware of the risks as all brokerages and Applications have disclaimer while trading leveraged stocks.
Limiting the ability of the public to incest their money where they want to is a very dangerous precedent. Where does it stop? Will you block me from buying the type of car or home I want to? The type of food? This is Authoritarianism.
I actively invest on a daily basis though I'm not a day-trader. Inverse and leveraged funds are an essential part of my trading. I do this fully knowing and accepting the risks of my decision to invest in them.
Higher risk ETFs should not be restricted for the average investor. There are no limitations on purchasing Crypto assets which are far more volatile.
Hello, Please do not make it more difficult for smaller retail investors to use their hard earned money how we wish. We know the risks associated with investing in the funds that you are targeting. Retail should have equal opportunities as those with more money behind them.