I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. Besides, I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I'm capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments, and I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I don't need these measures imposed on me.
I should be able to choose my own public investments.
No special process or test shold be required. I understand leveraged and inverse funds completely and their risks. I don't need regulators to impose measures on me.
Thes funds are important to my investment strategy. They help me to protect my investments and/or seek enhanced returns. I use them as a limited part of my portfiolio.
I should have the right to invest in any public investment I want with no restrictions, including leveraged ETFs, as should every other American. Excluding all but high net worth individuals from investing in leveraged ETFs, or putting in place restrictions/requirements to invest in leveraged ETFs is not fair to the average middle class American. I do not need regulations to protect
Wait!!! Youll let hedge funds and other large investors take risks- that is basically bet against the market but you want to restrict that to investors who dont have the money clout but have the smarts. What a scam. Protect the wealthy tax ball out folks but dont protect the investors trying to fund retirement and college funding. Yes its risky, but without taking risk we are then stuck with
FINRA Regulatory Notice 22-08 will infringe on my right to protect my investments against periods of recession in ways that only very wealthy investors and large institutions can by using their power to irresponsibility short sell the market. this is leaving average Americans to burden of others poor decisions. leveraged and invests ETFS when used correctly after a great protective strategy
The proposed regulation is a great infringement on individual investors' rights. All investors should have the freedom and equal access to all investment products that are legal and available. It's fundamentally wrong to give institutions privileged and exclusive access to certain investment products.
This is the last bastion where the knowledgeable "little guy" can build wealth. DON'T TAKE IT AWAY!!
I strongly believe regulators should highly regulate the availability of these investment products to the general public. Regulators most certainly should require investors meet particular investment knowledge standards before buying any leveraged ETN or ETF. As an owner of both products with more than 25 years of investment experience, these products are extremely complex and have complicated
i want to have option to buy leveraged fund.