Let every American invest !!!
Who determines the "regulators" competence in any investments? Have we learned nothing from these people over the years... Ridiculous intrusion into privacy rights. Thanks but no thanks!
I strongly oppose any limitations that may be placed on investors who want to participate in short funds or leveraged funds. I have been investing in the stock market since 1993 and fully understand the risks inherent in these types of funds. When used properly to hedge a portfolio they can be very important. I strongly suspect that rules like this one being proposed will end up hurting the
It is an investors right to freely access the entirety of the public investment market without unnecessary restrictions. America is still a free country and investors should never be stopped from investing by the government! NEVER!! I am a CPA and very capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds along with the risks! As such, I do not need these measures imposed on me.
To whom it may concern, It's undemocratic to make certain investments available only to the already wealthy. Leveraged investments should remain available to everyone, regardless of their net worth. And the same rules should apply equally, to everyone, all the time. It's not possible for regulators to care as much about my investments as I do, despite their best intentions. And nobody
Sirs, As a 35+ year registered Democrat I have come to realize my choice of parties has become nothing more than the nanny state writ large. My god, how stupid do you think people are, that they can't decide for themselves to invest/speculate/gamble in whatever they want, without YOU, unelected and overpaid officious elitists, telling us you're here to protect us from ourselves. I am
The use of leveraged and inverse funds allows investors like myself to easily create planned hedges on various sectors of the markets. Removing or hindering use of these funds would limit individuals planning to use these in their investment mix.
All federal institutions need to stay [REDACTED] out of the peoples business! If I choose to invest in leveraged ETF"S that my choice, MY money!
I think this is an impingement on my rights.