I oppose restrictions to my right to invest.
Please stop proposed rule #s7-24-15
Oppose restrictions on any right to invest in any investment.
Free Market??????????????????? Why wouldn't you bet an inverse fund when you see a bubble. Why do I need to take a test to see a bubble through zero interest rates for 4 years?
I oppose the proposed rule
I oppose limitations on my investments, and support an investor's right to freely access the entirety of the public securities market.
FINRA, Most people, including myself, who have managed to save any money are fully capable of researching leveraged funds and deciding if investing in them suits our needs and risk levels. We should not have to go through any kind of special process or pass any kind of a test. These funds are mostly used to hedge against unexpected shocks to the market and must be entered into, or exited, in a
I'd like to have a say on what I can invest in.
I have read that you are considering a new rule to impose substantial restrictions on investors being able to invest in certain types of investments which are considered "complex products," such as inverse and leveraged funds--and I'm opposed to such a proposal. Such funds offer opportunities to investors, especially small investors who are not wealthy, to survive turbulent markets