FINRA’s Firm Grouping Member Forums are one-day free events designed to provide financial professionals associated with FINRA member firms the opportunity to engage in key discussions with FINRA staff and connect with industry leaders and peers. The forums also include thoughtful discussions around the future landscape of the financial services industry and provides opportunities to meet one-on
The 2021 Compliance Outreach Program for Municipal Advisors is a free webcast program designed to provide municipal advisors and other municipal market participants an opportunity to hear from SEC, MSRB and FINRA staff on timely regulatory and compliance matters. Topics of discussion include managing conflicts of interest disclosures; operational considerations for registered municipal advisors;
The penny stock rules under the Exchange Act require broker-dealers engaging in certain over the counter transactions in low-priced stocks to provide customers with specified information. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 30608 (April 20, 1992), 57 FR 18004 (April 28, 1992). The penny stock rules permit a broker-dealer to fulfill some of these disclosure obligations by relying on pricing
On November 15, 2021, the FINRA equity trade reporting facilities (the Alternative Display Facility, the FINRA/Nasdaq Trade Reporting Facilities and the FINRA/NYSE Trade Reporting Facility, through which member firms report OTC transactions in NMS stocks to FINRA1) will begin supporting timestamps up to nanosecond (HH:MM:SS.sssssssss) granularity in accordance with amendments to FINRA’s equity
Short sellers should be required to report their short positions daily, of all trades on the lit exchange and the dark pools. Failure to do so should results in forfeiting all profits made and in case of a loss, short sellers should be fined half of the amount they lost, if short sellers continue to not follow the rules fines should increase for 2nd and 3rd offense, after the third strike, a