No more FTD. T-0 settlement, show real short interest in live, no more dark pool, if there should be a fine then fine them multi-trillion of dollars of jail time.
1. Please abolish SHORT SALES 2. If abolishing short sales is not possible, please make the short sale positions of hedge funds and institutions PUBLIC, RELIABLE and Accountable. 3. Please serve the US public and humans across the globe by taking serious action against criminals - not just with a fine of $10,000 for a crime that amount to $1 Billion.
To Whom It May Concern, I believe FINRA themselves said it best in their proposal, "FINRA believes this information would assist FINRA in understanding the scope of market participants’ short sale activity, specifically regarding the use of less-traditional means of establishing short interest." My only question is why in the world has FINRA not required ALL short interest? Isn't
Please implement and enforce with all due haste. Abusive short-selling is destroying faith in US markets. More reporting, oversight, and accountability are needed to ensure robust investment in the future.
While the proposed improved regulations / reporting are taking a step in the right direction there needs to be further reporting of data to the public made in as close to real time as possible. As the movement of retail traders being involved in managing their own investments continues to grow, the playing field should be as even as possible for all parties involved. If we are investing with a
I believe in transparency. Major players in this market push and pull the price of a security to profit with derivatives or push and pull with derivatives to profit of a held security. In spite of the intentional charade to act oblivious and pretend it all was just simply speculation, larger players use brute force means as an investment strategy with arguably plausible deniability. I believe the
FINRA has adopted new rules to address firms with a significant history of misconduct.1 New Rule 4111 (Restricted Firm Obligations) requires member firms that are identified as “Restricted Firms” to deposit cash or qualified securities in a segregated, restricted account; adhere to specified conditions or restrictions; or comply with a combination of such obligations. New Rule
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”) is filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC” or “Commission”) a proposed rule change to amend Section 4(c) of Schedule A to the FINRA By-Laws to establish an administration and delivery fee for the new Municipal Advisor Principal Examination (“Series 54 examination”).