I think this should be maintained due to our overall market sentiment
Why is it the govt feels the need to over tax and limit citizens right to make money? Maybe we should tax politicians or be able to fire you for the [REDACTED] job you are currently doing. Based on that Im supposed to believe you have my best interest in mind?
Stay out of my strategy please! I have been using leveraged ETF's for a long time and I understand the risk so please keep your hands off! Best regards
Please refrain from adding more regulations to try to protect me. I do my own research and am fully capable of determining what is appropriate. Leveraged and inverse funds are very important to have available and I have used them successfully.
Preventing average retail investors like myself from leverge and inverse equities causes both great harm and disadvantage. Prevent the smaller players in the market from maximizing profits and hedging to balance out losses. Doing so would force greater risk trades by leaving investors such as myself with dangerous decisions such as shorting equities which can easily cause greater losses than
I oppose restrictions to my rights to invest. The game is already stacked against the small investors and these proposed rules will only make it more difficult for us. You are only creating a barrier to entry for individuals to protected the walled garden of the ultra-rich. Leveraged and inverse products give an opportunity to hedge and protect our investments and you are effectively taking away
As an investor I am aware of the risks and practice due diligence when investing. Inverse funds play an important role in my personal investment strategies. I hedge the markets during times of volatility with Proshares "VIXY" and earn a constant flow of income with options of this instrument. With all investments there is risk, I have been investing for over 30 years and I accept the
I have a high (I guess net worth) and have a lot of experience in trading stocks and options. Leveraged ETF's are very valuable to me. They are no more dangerous than any stock or etf . Thank YOU
It feels like all these additional hurdles and restrictions are being considered to benefit the larger hedge funds and money managers and restrict individual investors from access. I have always been able to choose the type of investments that are right for me and my family, I understand the risks as well as benefits to investing. I am an adult and would like to continue the freedom of choice in