I use this to hedge the volatility the fed has created.
I am against any kind of restrictions and regulations that limit my rights to invest my money the way I freely decide myself.
I understand the risk and reward of investing in leveraged and inverse ETF. I invest in them as part of my portfolio strategy.
I believe everyone should be able to trade these ETF's. Please don't take that away from us!!!
Only I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. The more government helps me, the more damage they do
Private investors understand the risk. My question is why are you proposing this?. I dont see a public outcry of investors saying they were uninformed. Youre claiming a need to put out the smoke when there is no fire that started it.
Its important to me that I am able to invest as I see fit. Not how some bureaucrats see fit.
I am absolutely opposed to regulators choosing what I can/can't invest in for me. These measures do not need to be imposed on the public for their protection - it is a simple overreach of authority/power in an area it is not needed. Make educational materials readily available with updated information that allows people to make educated decisions and treat Americans like free adults instead
Im a college student so I dont have much, and Ive been investing with different platforms to secure my future. However if I cant invest in whatever company I choose, then that is ridiculous. If some investment choices are locked up to me especially because of my net worth then that is a huge infringement on my rights and I wont stand for it. Again Im a college student so I dont have much
Dear FINRA, I am very concerned that you are considering regulating how I can and cannot choose to invest. There is already heavy language used when an individual chooses to invest in a leveraged and/or inverse fund. Some of these funds are direct hedges to other investments an individual might have. Choice is something that is American. We do not live in a place where the government gets to make