The use of leveraged and inverse funds are no riskier than any other investment vehicle. It is all about asset allocation. Leveraged and inverse funds also help to balance and protect my portfolio. As a retail investor, trading options and utilizing leveraged and inverse funds are virtually the only ways to protect my portfolio from market declines or a bear market. This proposed regulation
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I do not need these measures imposed on you.
You as an individual has to be responsible for your investments. I dont need the government telling me in what I can or cannot invest. Or you all voting on this think you are superior to me? And remember, we VOTE. Thank you
I stand firmly oppossed to these proposed regulations. These regulations are not of safety to investors. No, these regulations are about removing investors out of the playing and therefore creating exclusivity to those who qualify under the the rubrick of an elite few.
The types of investments that could potentially be impacted by SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15 is lengthy and diverse, including Leveraged and Inverse Funds, and can legitimately be incorporated as part of a comprehensive investment strategy. These are publicly traded instruments and I am an experienced, educated, and informed investor. I should NOT need to jump through additional hoops to be "
Maybe it should be illegal to borrow money for leveraged or inverse trading but otherwise I see no need to stop it.
Dear Sirs. If you remove the ability for mature adults to invest in these "overly complex" vehicles, than you should also make craps and roulette illegal at gambling establishments. To me it's insulting that you believe the majority of investors (such as myself) do not do due diligence before putting money into any non-traditional investment portfolio. Thank You!
FINRA has no business or right to regulate or limit the products in which private investors place funds. I understand and accept the risks of my investments in all types of funds. They are my funds to invest, not yours. An investment prospectus is sufficient to inform investors of the objectives and risks of any investment. Attempting to regulate who can and cannot invest in any fund, based on an
I absolutely oppose the regulations to limit inverse or leveraged funds. I am a citizen of what used to be a free country, and really resent the government intrude on my personal financial decisions. If you want to EDUCATE people on investments, that is fine, but the final decision rests with me. I fully intend to find which legislators support such regulation, and vote against them and both fund
Dear FINRA, If you change the rules so late in the game it's not fair. It's not fair for investors and even more so for those already invested. If investors can't buy it, how on earth am I going to sell it? I have losses so I am not even going to profit just get back where I was. Somebody got that money I paid; don't I have the right to get it back? It works both