FINRA requests comment on a proposed change to its current policy relating to the assignment of OTC symbols to unlisted equity securities. Specifically, FINRA is considering whether it should begin assigning OTC symbols to unlisted equity securities that do not have a valid CUSIP identifier, in the limited circumstance where a member firm demonstrates its best efforts to obtain a CUSIP
Its time for transparency in the market! Pfof should be a crime its a conflict of interest and not only that other coutries have banned this practice so why is it taking so much effort to discredit the retail investors beliefs! The fake news being spread about amc and many others is quite disturbing! If we never had a ceo who cared about his company we all would be at risk! This is something
21-19 is a step in the right direction. That being said, IT IS NOT ENOUGH! Far more must be done to expose the corrupt practices utilized by bad actors in the market place. Yes I mean selling shares that do not exist case in point AMC! WITH APPROXIMATLY OVER 1 BILLION SHARES SOLD SHORT! LOOK INTO IT! CITIBANK HOLDS 510 MILLION SHARES FOR FORIEN INVESTORS ALONE. yes do implement the 2119 rule
Good day, There is brazen and blatant market manipulation being done by big investors to drive down prices of securities such as AMC and GME, including practices such as naked shorting, ladder attacks, the spreading of misinformation through media outlets, etc. As to the short interest, what is reported is not accurate, as much of what takes place is on "dark pools" and is made of of
I am a new retail investor. I have learned so much in the last year, however, I have also learned that the market is terribly manipulated by systemic bad actors. and that a great imbalance exist that is unfair and wrong. Please consider the little guy and how we make up a great multitude longing to be treated with fairness and equality.
Retail investors are already at a distinct dis advantage as far as technology and ability to manipulate like the large investors, short sales should be reported daily and the fines for manipulation should be more than a slap on the wrist where the large investors weigh fines versus profit and laugh as they take the fine Retail investors need a closer fair field of play or you will see the stock
As an individual investor I do believe that the changes proposed for Rule 4560 regarding Short Interest Position Reporting Enhancements would be beneficial and support transparency for the individual investor. I am delighted to see these new proposals and would like to see them put into effect as soon as possible. Thank you.