We need more transparency for individual investors so that market manipulation stops. Please do more than this to level the playing field for all types of investors. Equalize the markets for all and provide data that we can all see so we are on the same playing field.
We must have daily reporting of short positions. We must see strict regulation of naked shorting and massive fines for abuse. We must see strict regulation of dark pools. We must see daily reporting of FTDs. I have zero faith in our financial system after witnessing the blatant manipulation perpetrated by certain hedge funds and market makers all while retail investors are blamed.
How can AMC be the largest traded stock and the price go down? You people know this is going on. It’s just the little guy again big money and egos! This isn’t fair! Everyone deserves an even playing field. Please do what’s right and stop the naked shorting. Thank you.
As a Tax professional and mathematician who has spent year working with the SEC - I am shocked. What I have witnessed, and uncovered in the past 7 months goes against our laws. The market as of 7/9 is fixed. Its a scam. You have done nothing because you are in on the scam. We have zero ability to enforce laws that give tiny fines. They get to borrow shares and ruin companies, spread lies all over
If a fine doesn’t drive change then it’s just a fee. The fine’s need to be prohibitively expensive. Leaders of organizations need to also face criminal prosecution. I feel recent blatant market manipulation demands immediate action.
How about you just make this a simple thing... Instead of financial institutions SELF-REPORTING their short positions, why not actually have a regulatory body go directly into their books, so they can properly extrapolate the information. This way you can monitor things like married puts/calls that create synthetic shorts, and be on top of them on a daily basis.
The fact that there is even 1 naked short is a Big problem. That should not be allowed period. And if violated... JAIL TIME!!!! Not a tiny fine equivalent to spare change the average person would give to a homeless person
Dear FINRA, I will keep it short: Dark Pools that are only available to large hedgefunds and banks, and which make use of different pricing and availability, are causing the entire stock market to turn against the individual retail investor. These Dark Pools can be used to load up on shares of a specific company and then unload those bought shares onto the common stock market, causing the price
Shorting a company is fine, but malicious shorting and the use of naked shorting along with dark pool abuse is far from fine. The fact that hedge funds can do this is disgusting and a slap in the face of the retail investor. They need to be openly called out and exposed, and the use of naked shorting and dark pool abuse done away with.
Price manipulation and cheating is not the american way.