I have no problem with shorting a stock. I do believe that is healthy for the market. I’d like to see naked short selling have much more severe penalties. Penalties that would make institutions think twice about doing it. Naked short selling is killing retail and leaving a huge black eye on our beautiful capitalist economy. It’s no secret that it’s done, it’s done on such a massive scale that I
I’m looking for (and I’m sure MANY other investor as well ) further transparency on short sales and short interest reporting, I feel as though there might not be all the information available to the public and need reaffirmation that I can trust the market I’m investing in, many thanks!
Naked shorts should be investigated thoroughly. FTD should be T-0.
The market should be fair for all. Not just the super rich. Since I started investing 2 years ago, I have lost all confidence in the American stock exchange and once the amc story plays out, I will likely not continue. All the data points to illegal activity, yet it continues and has done for years. I never realized of corrupt the American system is, until of late. Many people should be in jail
I believe absolutely that 1- Finra should publish on the FINRA website short interest data for all equity securities (listed and unlisted). 2-potential short interest enhancements discussed above would , YES, be equally beneficial for both OTC equity securities and exchange-listed equity securities. In all I have discovered from public information made readily available on the sub Reddit /
Effective September 1, 2021, FINRA is amending its rulebook to eliminate the Order Audit Trail System (OATS) rules in the FINRA Rule 7400 Series and FINRA Rule 4554 (Alternative Trading Systems — Recording and Reporting Requirements of Order and Execution Information for NMS Stocks) (collectively referred to as the “OATS Rules”). FINRA has determined that the accuracy and
None of the current rules and procedures used by FINRA or its member firms create unintended barriers to greater diversity and inclusion in the broker-dealer industry or might have unintended disparate impacts on those within the industry. Quite the contrary, FINRA and the brokerage industry have made huge strides in encouraging and fostering diversity. In the 30 plus years of my career, there
Training for the Securities Industry
NASAA, the SEC, and FINRA have provided this training presentation as a resource for the securities industry. Firms can use this presentation to train associated persons about how to detect, prevent, and report financial exploitation of senior and vulnerable adult investors. The training serves as a resource for firms implementing the requirements of the
On November 15, 2021, FINRA’s Alternative Display Facility (ADF) will begin supporting timestamps up to nanosecond granularity (HH:MM:SS.sssssssss) in accordance with amendments to FINRA’s equity trade reporting rules. Please refer to FINRA Regulatory Notice 20-41 for additional information on firms’ reporting obligations under these amendments.
ADF currently supports timestamps up to
The Reporting of Loan Obligations as Short Interest. Theory suggests that some participants are borrowing shares from ETF's to cover their existing short interest. This only results in the same exposure continuing to exist elsewhere in the market, in effect, the short position has not been closed, but rather, is moved off the books which affects the integrity on both ends of the affiliate