I have a good deal invested in leverage funds on my high risk portfolio side, changing policy to not let me recover or wait strategy out is unacceptable.
I think that I should be able to invest my money the way I want. There should be no test to pass allow me to invest. It is a perfect hedge for future appreciation. Thank you.
Regulators should not interfere or impede with the general public's right to invest in any securities, leveraged or otherwise. Please do not impose these measures upon us.
This rule is an affront to investors everywhere. To think we are not competent enough to make our own decisions is insulting. Please reject this proposal.
This is obvious now that Wallstreet knows there is a huge market crash coming in October 2022 and they dont want us to get rich from inverse. I oppose this new regulation and will seek legal counsel.
We need & deserve the right to invest & grow as well.
I am opposed to the SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15. This rule discriminates against ordinary investors. Public investments should be available to public, not just privileged. There should be no test to invest in public security. Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategy.
It's my money - not yours, to decide which products to invest in. This is an injustice amongst retail investors. We weigh the factors before investing, this 'Rule' is just more regulation against retail investors & inhibits are ability to be part of a open & balanced free-market to which is what is badly needed - not regulated to unhinged that privilege.
I started investing in leveraged and inverse leveraged ETFs after learning about them around a year after I started investing. As with any investment you need to educate yourself on the risks involved, but I do not believe restricting the opportunity to high wealth individuals is appropriate. It has become an important part of my investment strategy.
We don't want or need you to protect us from ourselves, and our own investing decisions, and personal responsibility. Do not limit us!