Best execution for retail investor. Best available price at the time for all investors. Stop dark pool trading, transparency on payment for order flow. Stop shorting and synthetic shares.
We need everything to be reported for both retail and institutional investors. All buys and all sells, in all forms. It’s time to have a level playing field and fair markets for all.
In regards to regulatory notice 21-19 regarding short positions... In my opinion, the current US financial system is highly fraudulent, with the regulatory agencies being complicit. They are complicit by complacency, with years of unchecked fraud and market manipulation through naked short selling by large hedge funds like Citadel and Susquehanna being allowed to happen with impunity. The SEC and
Hello I'm a retail investor who would like to make suggestions for the market. I'm new to the market was looking for a way to build wealth to make things easier for new opportunities. I see the t-2 data delay and dark pools naked shorting is occurring and would like a more transparent market and even playing field. I feel it's the usa free market yet I don't feel confident it
On penalties - Penalties should not just be monetary but should include jail time. HF's and short sellers are no longer dissuaded to stop illegal activities, such as incorrect/inaccurate reporting and creating synthetic shares, because with the money they earn through illegal means, they are able to pay fines.
Transparency in the market and frequent monitoring of naked shorting. Start enforcing the rules we already have and the fines need to be steep enough to incentivize the Hedge Funds and other large investors to stop with the illegal activity. The fines need to be in the 10's or 100's of millions of dollars.
Order execution on the dark pool vs nyse. 1. There needs to be a limit on how many share that can be purchased on the dark pool and sold on the nyse to short a stock. 2. A market maker should not be allowed to handle orders of execution on a stock he or she is shorting. This creates a huge conflict of interest and predatory practices. They will just route your buys through the dark side and your
1.Reduce the reporting period to weekly (or preferably daily) from biweekly. 2.Require that exchanges report failures to deliver and naked shorts alongside covered shorts. 3.Reduce the holding period for reported days from 4 days to 2 or fewer. 4.Document and release the identities of funds that have open short positions and their sizes. This would operate similarly to the way longs and options
I would like more frequent updates and more transparency of the data surrounding short positions in the US financial market.
please look into amc/gamestop illegal naked shorting tatics from big institutions..