Hello, as a person who’s new to investing with only 6-7months experience I have seen clearly that the market for small time investors is unfair based on everything I have educated myself during my time investing. What one of the biggest issues I’ve seen is rules broken time and time again by institutions who receive fines that mean absolutely nothing and are paid with ease while the retail
I would like to see more transparency in the type of trading that is occurring. Such as inflow of orders and outflow from any and all market makers, instead of hiding the true number of trades (buys and sells). It is public knowledge that market makers, leverage payment for order flow and this should be made public if not removed completely to level the playing field. The odds are stacked against
Please make it so data is not hidden from the retail investor. Information is king and the only way to even the playing field is to have equal information.
Hi Yvonne Huber, and Racquel Russell About myself I am a typical retail investor who has just began studying for the FINRA exams. Concerns/ Suggestions: 1. Please reduce the buy back period for Market Makers to T-0 this is the standard for other countries. 2. Please make the Fee for missing out on the T-0 5% of the FMV of the current price of the share multiplied by the number of FTDs and charge
These shorts are manipulating the market so badly especially MMAT!!!! The SEC needs to work harder. Retail investors are bleeding real badly. We can all see the obvious manipulation and naked shares. Please do something to help us retail investors. They rich hedge funds are getting richer and us poor retail investors are getting poorer. The graphs show no sell off yet the price drops from $10 to
Do your job! The daily market manipulation is right in front of your eyes. Naked shorting, FTD's, bs news articles paid for by HF's. We don't need to explain it to you. You are asking, because you already know the problem and just want to pretend you are trying to fix it. You are allowing fraudulent activity within and around the market to happen, and you just turn and face the
Transparency in every corner of financial reporting is REQUIRED... NO EXCEPTIONS! Any changes within short sale reporting should spread more transparency and penalties for inaccuracies whether, intentional or not should be heightened to maximum. Financial white collar crimes are not taken serious enough
I think when it comes to FTD's and naked shorting that the fines and punishments should be much more than what the companies failing are making in profit. These companies should be held accountable and have assets liquidated if they do not cover FTD's. Settlement periods should be removed. It shouldn't be a T+2 system. How is it fair to the retail investor when it dates days for us
I think any company that is an institution, a bank, a hedgefund, a brokerage or a market maker needs to have any of their orders routed through an order monitoring device before it's sent off so that they can no longer keep committing these society destroying crimes. Hypothecation, synthetic shares, naked shorting, naked long calls, falsely hiding puts by making them appear long, diverting
Naked shorting is theft. Nip this in the bud, enough with technicalities and loop holes.