As a “retail investor”, which is a term I hate, the actions of Wall Street “professionals” over the past 6 months or longer has been eye opening to say the least. As a 43 year old man with a Bachelors degree in finance, who has taken classes on investing, stocks, mutual funds, options, bonds, and various other securities I always knew that I wanted a professional to manage my portfolio and 401k
AMC, shorting needs to be reported sooner to prevent malpractice! can you help us make the market a fair place?
Good afternoon, I am not very educated in the stock market and rules governing the actions of parties. However, I know that Naked Shorting is likely illegal and it seems that this has been happening with this merger between MMAT and Torchlight (TRCH). It's also unfair that so much shorting activity can be done secretively. There should be requirements for cooperations shorting to declare
I'm afraid these changes do not go nearly far enough. While additional and more timely information is certainly appreciated, I believe what we need is for all short sales to be reported similar to the availability of Level II data. That is, every short sale should have to be recorded and immediately posted with the loan terms, where the shares were loaned from, and through which market it
Would you please stop acting like any of your new rules are going to do anything. New penalties, including jail time, need to be implemented. As of now you are being insulting and ignorant. The slap on the wrists continue=the crimes still continue. You are asking the very people breaking the laws to report to you that they are breaking the law, instead they file false report after false report,
I would like to see Finra do a daily count of all short positions in the markets by having all Industry Members report to Finra directly, specifically Dark Pool data. As retail traders as a collective have now become ever increasingly aware of the Synthetic shares which are traded in the dark pools to manipulate the price of a stock.
What good is regulation if there is no enforcement? For far too long, market makers and institutions have been playing the game with their own rules whilst stealing money from the American public. How can this possibly be a free market with the lack of transparency and open manipulation that occurs in the stock market every day for the past several decades? There are a number of things that need
Eliminate dark pools. Enforce margin calls. Don’t just fine. Send people to federal prison. Been way too many government officials that are supporting the rising oligarchy. Eliminate the blatant manipulation and let the market do what it is supposed to do.
Yes! Please make these changes for a more fair and visible market. Individual investors are at a disadvantage when this information is withheld. The market should not favor short sellers as it does now. Congratulations on moving to make the changes the market needs!