"FINRA is considering: (1) modifications to its short interest reporting requirements (Rule 4560); (2) a new rule to require that participants of a registered clearing agency report to FINRA information on allocations to correspondent firms of fail-to-deliver positions; and (3) other potential enhancements related to short sale activity. FINRA believes that these potential changes could
I fully support this effort to improve short interest enhancements. When bad actors are allowed to create a synthetic share out of thin air through dishonesty and illegal activity, they pose the potential to put the entire financial system at risk. If "market makers" are allowed to break rules, including the creation of millions of fake shares, they are given the power to destroy
As a retail investor, it is very clear and evidenced through obvious stock price manipulation that the market as it is constructed today favors the hedge funds and market makers. Put simply, retail investors want a more transparent market for everyone. Some things that would help: 1. Accurate data reported in real time (short interest, FTD, etc…). Short positions should be reported and released
Market manipulation has been there over decades. Traditional retailers is suffering more than anytime due to the leverage of capital that’s not based on equal ruling. On top, law enforcement agency has not been obligated with the assigned duty. When will an open and fair market/system be back?
Along with getting updated publicly accessible free short interest daily to level the playing field, hedge funds should have to file their short positions in 13Fs #AMC Naked shorting also needs to be identified and stopped and FTD's need to be purchased. Can't have all these "IOU's"
Stop allowing big entities to manipulate price through large positions
Please modify the rules to make short interest and FTD's more transparent, and the reporting of immediately.
I request that regulation and enforcement be equal for all stock market participants. It is frustrating to know how many advantages, privileges, and self oversight benefits are granted to institutional investors, market makers and clearance houses. The crimes are no longer speculation. There is public information on repeat offenders and habitual lawbreakers taking the stock market hostage to do
All short sale information should be available to all traders! ALL of it! Also, Dark Pools should be outlawed. Or at least, if blocks are bought on a dark pool, they should reflect the price on the retail charts. No more secrete crooked trading! OR, they should not be allowed to buy in a dark pool just to resell on the open market just to push a price down on a stock. Everything needs to start to
Hello FINRA I'm a simple and uneducated ape, I'm fairly new to the market. I have seen verified data that shows companies (such as Melvin Capital and Citadel) funding media outlets to reinforce their short positions on a nearly perfect cyclical basis, I have seen people on social media paid for directly by such companies, and even worse I have companies ravage through money that wasn