I have the freedom to do my investment
This is outrageous. Stop 'protecting' the people under false pretenses. All this will do is hurt people who would otherwise have a chance to recover losses if the market slides.
Please do not restrict my ability to purchase leveraged or inverse funds. I trade leveraged funds every day and also purchase inverse funds to protect my long term investments during bear markets. Any additional restrictions on leveraged or inverse funds will limit my ability to invest and protect my portfolio! My broker already required me to certify that I understand the risks. Additional
I Oppose restrictions to my right to invest. And I should have the right to invest in leveraged and inverse funds just like the big wall street firms, hedge funds, etc. I am fully capable of understanding the risks and do not need to be tested or have additional barriers placed in front of me to proof to a regulator that I know what is best for my portfolio. This is too much oversight and I don
Retail investors understand the risks of leverage and have been using margin accounts for years. Please leave us alone.
Dear Sir/Madam, I oppose this regulation as it would limit my ability to trade the ETF which others could trade. It is a clear discrimination between mid level families and rich families. In a country like USA who always believed in the equality MUST not introduce such regulations. Thanks Koshal Garg [REDACTED]
I don't think regulators should make the determination what investments are appropriate for my needs. There should not be obstacles to investing in inverse or leveraged funds. I am comfortable with taking on that risk. Adding a regulator-approved test in order to be able to invest in these funds is an unnecessary intrusion on my right to invest as I see fit.
I (and other investors) should be able to invest in public securities however I want. And am capable of learning and understanding the securities, including their associates risks.
It's my money, not your decision!
It is obivous one must have specialized investment knowledge to even be aware of the existence of leveraged or inversed funds. And so, right at the start these proposed changes are meaningless. To even be aware of these funds existence, one would also be aware of the role these funds have in helping diversify risk, protect investments, and hedge other positions.