As long as the investment vehicles are legal, legit, and risk fully documented, I see no issues in letting a typical / average investor make their conscious investment decision. I OPPOSE RESTRICTIONS TO MY RIGHT TO INVEST. As an average investor (Im currently using/ investing in proshare shorts/long 3x etf), I find most information available online and typical financial professionals discussed
I- not regulators- should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
Please do not pass new regulations that will inhibit my ability to invest in leveraged and inverse ETFs. They provide a less risky alternative to options and futures and are an important part of many small investors' overall investment strategy.
I understand the appeal to expand the nanny-state. So many people out there want to blame others for their poor decisions. I believe that as a functioning adult we make choices and we live with the consequences of those choices. Always looking for the government to bail them out or to create rules that permit those making the poor decisions to see redress when redress should not be allowed, robs
Dear sir or madam, Individual investors, such as myself should be able to make the investments we want that are right for our families. We should not have to pass tests to invest in leveraged and inverse funds and trade in options. These strategies are critical to my families overall investment strategy as we near retirement age. I depend upon the returns I am able to make by trading in ETF funds
I find it disturbing that your agency wants to take away my ability to pick investments based on my research and ability to decide how much or little to risk in very common market instruments. Why should I have to take a test to prove to you - unnamed bureaucrats - that I understand the risks and potential rewards of these instruments and what I do with my money.+ What tests can predict the
I have the freedom to do my investment
This is outrageous. Stop 'protecting' the people under false pretenses. All this will do is hurt people who would otherwise have a chance to recover losses if the market slides.