I am in favor of these proposed rule changes. Specifically the disclosing of synthetic positions. It is vital that this information be made available to combat predatory trading practices. Practices that artificially destroy businesses and lives. If we cannot eliminate the loophole that allows for synthetic naked shorting, getting as much information made public is the next best thing. Perhaps it
Hello FINRA, I saw you are looking for comments on 21-19, regarding short positions. As I see it, the current US market is full of fraud, with the regulatory agencies being complicit. They are complicit through their complacency, with years of unchecked fraud and market manipulation through naked short selling by large hedge funds like Citadel and Susquehana being allowed to happen with impunity
Short interest reporting by all of these entities should have complete transparency. Failures to report on possible FTD’s, never delivering those shares or marking short positions as long should result in repercussions equal to the actions. Small fines or as they can be referred “the cost of doing business” for some of these funds or entities are unacceptable. Reporting should be even more
All short positions SHOULD BE disclosed. Any stock lending should be subject to daily reports. Keeping the data hidden hurts retail investors, as the price is being affected by things they are unable to see.
My concern with shorting a stock is the impact that action has on the company. By shorting 100% of a company's stock (or more!), the stock may drop to a low enough price that the company can't survive regardless of the underlying value. I would suggest a cap on the percentage of a company's outstanding shares that can be shorted, say 60%. This would allow the investor the ability
It will never be a fair playing field if shorts are not disclosed and we will look like frauds to the entire world. Naked short sellers deserve prison.
Of particular interest is the section on Synthetic Short Positions. It seems that approved participants can use synthetics to improve market liquidity, but it also creates a problem of diluting the stock when the shorts fail to deliver. Would position reporting also help to track FTD's better and implement some regulation to have those failures sufficiently resolved before more synthetics
Short selling, when done ethically for the right reasons, provides an important market balance. However, it is obvious given events of the last several months that some entities are engaged in naked short selling and market manipulation. Because of the current lack of oversight, lack of detailed reporting, and the other obvious problems those entities are causing massive chaos. This kind of
While more reporting around Short Interest Positions is to be encouraged and applauded, unless the market "plumbing" that allows failures-to-deliver to continue in perpetuity is also addressed, these changes will not solve the underlying problem. Address short interest reporting AND the failures-to-deliver problem if you really want to fix this issue.
Please don't delay this rule - any formatting is okay.