All info should be made available. No more hiding shorts in puts. Quit screwing over the small person to help the paid interests.
Please check out citadel and all the shorts seller. Believe they're doing naked shorts and manipulation the market right now. SEC really need to step in and do their job, all we want is a fair market. This is freedom country, Things should be equally. Thank you!.
I would like a more in depth and accurate reporting on market manipulation on all stocks with hedgefund and market makers so us investors can have a genuine and honest open market
I feel like the integrity of the stock market is being lost on a generation because of these constant market collapses and violations with zero accountability. It looks like obvious market manipulation if a company is allowed control how trades flow. They are able to reset timers on FTDs and trade +50% of the volume in a market I have zero visibility into. 1. FTDs need to be enforced without any
#1. Report faster #2. Stop abuse of Darkpools #3. Automatically margine call Short sellers who are found to habe FTDs. No waiting. Make it part of the process #4. Define a "free market". Thank you
It's way past time to implement very frequent public reporting of short sales, with all the detail concerning counter parties listed for the public to view. It's clear that naked short selling is occurring. What will the SEC do about it?
Just want to say all aspects of short sales need to be much more transparent, along with dark pools/naked shorting, etc.
We need the rules to actually be enforced and market makers not able to use dark pools for anything other than non-predatory market making functions. Transparency and accountability are really the primary thing. Selling order books that show liquidation prices of individual investors is insider trading. Check every single futures chart and you will find impulse retracing liquidating people at
Price discovery tools are being used for fraud. Americans are having their money stolen by bad faith actors in the market. [REDACTED] someone do something.
Why AMC it's always been a stable for the community so many dates and good times. What's with the FTDs