Please go ahead and execute have the power to help stop this manipulation! There seem to be many rules proposed and no observable action
I believe that all transactions should be accounted for daily. We are in a technological age where data is king and it is easily stored. There should be no hidden transactions or ways to get around the system. Any attempt to maneuver around a law is breaking the law. Fines need to be changed to prison sentences. When stealing 100 million dollars, a prison sentence would make someone think twice.
Hello, I am commenting in favor of the following regulation adjustments: - Short positions need to be reported daily by funds and market makers, and public notice needs to be reported daily on a public website for that purpose, for all holdings and companies in the market. - Audits need to happen by regulatory agencies to ensure shorts and FTDs are not being hidden in options. - Punishments need
I am an AMC stockholder. There are a lot of market hijinks going on right now. I would love for you to investigate all the counterfeit shares and naked shorts that are ruining the natural squeeze of this stock. The market needs to be cleaned up and made fair for all....not just the rich. Thank you for your time.
These are much needed changes. More transparency will better protect and inform the retail investor.
This was my comment: The Reporting of Loan Obligations as Short Interest. Theory suggests that some participants are borrowing shares from ETF's to cover their existing short interest. This only results in the same exposure continuing to exist elsewhere in the market, in effect, the short position has not been closed, but rather, is moved off the books which affects the integrity on both
How are we (the public retail) supposed to believe any information reported is accurate, when fines for breaking any rules take years to resolve and are minuscule when compared to the money that is being made off of defrauding the little guy? When the people lying are friends with the people who are supposed to keep them in check, all it takes is a little kick back to make it all go away. Lame or
I support a far more rigorous disclosure regime when it comes to Short Sale Reporting. As a non-American investor I've been shocked by the harm blatant naked shorting does through rigged financial markets and hopeless under-regulation. If large scale changes won't happen my trust in the American financial markets will not return. In that case I'll never invest again and will spend
Naked shorts are illegal. They have always found a way around all the SEC regulations and rules. Dark pools, sending stocks to OTC and other countries so the sec cant keep track. letting a human report is always going to lead to lies and illegal activities. the fines are chump change for them. Jail, losing the right to trade. They are children, and like children, you can tell them 15 times not to
Good Evening, I support these changes. I’ve have experienced the consequences of not having these rules in place and had lost a lot of confidence in investing in the financial system. Not having these changes in place also make me worry about a complete collapse of the financial system. These proposed changes have restored a lot of my confidence. Please implement these changes as soon as possible