I understand that regulators are interested in restricting my ability to invest in certain investments.
With the plethora of information on the internet and other places, I firmly respect an individual's right and responsibility to invest as one feels appropriate for their needs.
I have, and am using leveraged and inverse funds as a way to hedge against wild market swings - such as we
I understand that regulators are interested in restricting my ability to invest in certain investments.
With the plethora of information on the internet and other places, I firmly respect an individual's right and responsibility to invest as one feels appropriate for their needs.
I have, and am using leveraged and inverse funds as a way to hedge against wild market swings - such as we
Rather than imposing arbitrary restrictions or adding more silly click-thrus, how about a focus on making education and training available, giving retail investors and traders the SAME information that institutional investors see. Perhaps the reason retail traders lost money on some of these things is because institutional investors have an artificial advantage created by current rules, and not
ProShares, a purveyor of leveraged ETFs among other "complex products", is canvassing its shareholders to submit public comments here. I am one such shareholder, but personally I'm glad that FINRA is helping to protect investors from the pitfalls of complex products, which, as the notice rightly states, can be dangerous to the uninformed. Increasing the barrier of entry to these
FINRA should not impede retail traders. FINRA should instead regulate institutions to prevent them from taking too large positions all on one side as seen with so called "meme stocks". Institutions all have the same information, they all bet on the same side of futures and create volatility far in excess of their ability to cover positions. Through this practice of
I understand that FINRA is considering putting additional restrictions and / or eliminating a whole range of ETF products. This greatly concerns me.
From the list of products that are under consideration, I frequently use some of them, and currently have positions using these ETF's. I do strategically use some leveraged funds, but the funds that I am particularly concerned about are the
At FINRA, we’ve built a framework and cultivated a mindset, a culture for innovation and collaboration. It not only helps ensure the securities industry follows the rules, but also it empowers our employees with projects, programs, and opportunities so they can be the best version of themselves. That allows them to build, grow, and shape their career as they protect investors.
Createathon, our
This attempt at limiting my ability to invest and trade is outrageous. This is regulatory over reach that assumes we are unable to make our own informed decisions about our investment portfolios. Please consider that my family and I should be able to choose unfettered, which investments are best for us. We should not be burdened with a special and arbitrary process. Leveraged and inverse funds
It is not the responsibility of an outside party to decide what is best for me or my family. They have no knowledge of me or my situation. It is my responsibility to review, assess risk and act in my best interest. To that end all risks and rewards are my own. Please stay out and stop the over regulation and coddling based on your need to control and "protect the less/under informed".
To Whom it May Concern: As an educated citizen of the United States of America, I should have the right to invest in securities that best suit myself and my family. Since I am educated, I have the ability and the responsibility to be informed about the positions I purchase and the investments I make. As such, I can benefit from the profits and bare the losses of my own decisions. The government