I would like to continue to have the freedom to make my own investment decisions based on whats right for my financial situation. I currently use the leveraged funds to hedge positions in the near to medium term.
It is one thing to protect the retirement assets of individuals from extremely risky or highly speculative investments but complete overreach to attempt to restrict investments in taxable accounts. You would be better focused attempting to level the playing field in our flawed public markets. Why have so many companies gone private? Why is the Fed allowed to so manipulate markets for so long
To Whom it May Concern:
I am very concerned about potential regulation of leveraged and inverse funds since this is my primary investment strategy. Any restriction of my right to invest as I deem appropriate will significantly impact my financial life, and provide no benefit to me, and potentially cause great harm. Freedom of choice is especially important in these turbulent times. This is as
While I appreciate attempts to protect investors, I believe that we need less interference in our free markets, not more. We should also acknowledge a regulatory agency grows it's own power by expansion of regulation. However, I believe such interference is definitively not in investors, or greater still, the American taxpayers best long-term interest. An attempt to protect investors
This protects no one and just enables the wealthy to preserve their wealth. A totally ill conceived regulation. While I am not wealthy I use these vehicles to limit market volatility effects.
I am against the move to limit my investment choices. Why cant you leave us alone.
Im 58 years old. I have more than ten years of investing experience and have amassed more than three millions in stock assets, mainly by using leveraged ETFs to take advantage of severe market sell offs such as 2008 financial crisis and Covid-19 pandemic. I have found that the leveraged ETFs are extremely powerful investing tools for experienced and responsible long-term investors like myself who
I want the right to invest in whatever I want, whenever I want. These regulations are unjust and only hurt the people that investing is supposed to be helping, the people.
Another government overreach on Retial investors. This should not be decided by unelected officials
I oppose this legislation