Make it simple: add unique, serialized identifiers on every share. Tracking illegal activity would be easy, and lead to greater transparency and enforcement of laws. There’s too much shady and illegal practice in the market as it is, and enforcement is a joke. Nobody in the retail sectors trusts the market or the current laws’ ability to regulate all the nonsense. Make each share unique. Increase
Fair market! Stop the naked shorts and stock fraud!
Here are some examples on how the system could be improved: 1. Reduce the reporting period to weekly (or preferably daily) from biweekly. 2. Require that exchanges report failures to deliver and naked shorts alongside covered shorts. 3. Reduce the holding period for reported days from 4 days to 2 or fewer. 4. Document and release the identities of funds that have open short positions and
I want a more transparent market for retail investors. Live accurate data that isn't 2-30 days delayed and partially reported. It is a distinct disadvantage that retail has when it only gets part of the picture. I also would like to see more regulations and stiffer penalties on naked short selling. The fines that are handed out for FTDs and naked short selling are a drop in the bucket to
I hope there’s a fair trading and fair market for everyone! Not just for institutions but also for retail. I hope the market manipulation will be soon be over! Retails and individuals are much suffers with this kind of market. We all deserve a fair and transparent market for EVERYONE
Thank you for asking for comments. I am a fairly new investor (got more serious in January). I love numbers and reports so you can imagine my frustration with all the different results at the end of each day regarding short interest. Fintel would say one thing and Ortex another, etc. I also follow litigation news as well and had a suspicion confirmed when a firm was accused of marking shorts as
There isn’t any transparency within market. FTDs need to be enforced without delay. NO more dark pools. And SSR should be enforced more strictly. market has become very main stream this year a lot of new investors because of meme stocks - so a lot of these problems are trending to the majority and if nothing changes I can see a lot more people will not trust market after this year.
The shorting that takes place in the dark pool should either 1- be eliminated 2- be reported for all to see, or 3- be regulated so that a company cannot trade 50% to 60% of a stock in the dark pool. And if a company has a certain amount of time to cover their short positions, that should be enforced. Not a small fine for missing deadlines. That is how the manipulation continues. SSR should also
Thanks for listening! As a long time holder of AMC, it is the most blatantly obviously manipulated stock ever to be seen. Yet everyone involved is scared to dig deep nervous as to what they may find. All we ask is for a true, fair and transparent market! Thank you!
We would like transparency on all naked shorts please (AMC specifically). The hedge funds are cheating and terribly stealing from the AMC share holders. We need immediate, swift action for enforcement and regulation. It is time to reveal the great conspiracy and pay the AMC shareholders immediately. Thank you.