I am writing to protest the proposed regulation.
As investors in equity markets, I and all other participants should be able to choose the investments suitable for ourselves without being subject to dictates from regulators. Regulators cannot understand an investor's specific perspective; only the investor can know it.
Imposing special processes on an investor, such as passing a test,
Knowledgeable investors should be free to invest in any listed security within their risk tolerance and financial level. Government can and should protect against fraud but should not pick winners and losers. Individuals and the market place are the best arbiters of value.
It is my money. I would like to have the freedom
I understand there is risk in investing. There is no reason for you to inhibit regular people from investing in whatever they deem best for their investment objectives. It's our money. We're grown adults. Treat us like it.
Stop letting Gary Gensler and others like him be the tool of the banks to only benefit them. Individual investors can make decisions about their future better than the bought and paid for government officials. Leave us alone. We need investment tools to protect our own future.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing your arbitrary test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I have been investing and trading in the stock market since 1957 and understand leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I do not want, and do not need to have your unnecessary measures imposed on me or anybody else. Please
I do not need a regulatory board telling me I am too poor or too under informed to take a risky financial investment. I should have equal rights to all other investors.
I would like to keep the current regulations unchanged.
These kind of funds has provided us investment opportunity that we understand its risks/benefits. I strongly oppose any kind of bill restricting our ability to invest. It is our $$ and adult enough to understand the risk/benefit.
NO to the bill.
I have been trading inverse ETF for a while and I know what Im doing, but I dont have a high net worth. You guys need to keep it as it is.