To whom it may concern,
FINRA has proposed a raft of potential restrictions on so-called "complex" investment products, among them leveraged and inverse funds. Whereas some of the proposed restrictions are at least somewhat reasonable, like passing some sort of rudimentary test to ensure the investor is aware of what the product is, others are downright outrageous, such as not
I oppose any limits to my ability to hedge risk by investing in leverage ETFs.
Dear Elected officials of the citizens of the United States. I think investors and not the regulators know what's best for us. Investment products like " BITO " give us a chance to diversify our investments. With the money printing going on in Washington, I think this product will serve me well. Please let me make a choice with my money.
All investment are inherently risky. Disclosure needed not restriction. Rules proposed discriminate disproportionately public investors.
The FINRA is a non-governmental agency designed to insure Brokers are acting in good faith to all their clients. It is not a governmental agency their to regulate the clients! And if you were a government agency attempting such a non-ethical proposal I would feel the same as I do with this agency. You are not their to protect client interests regarding investing. You are their to enforce the
I have right to trade in public investment for the leveraged and inverse funds
We the people, demand liberty and free choice, you do not have the right to control our choices.
To Whom It May Concern:
I have recently become aware that regulations being considered by you will make it not able for investors like myself to buy leveraged and inverse funds and dozens of other popular investments without taking classes or jumping through some other such hoops. I believe I myself should be the one to make those decisions. I have been investing for well over twenty years
I demand the right to direct every aspect of my life . Investing is a serious business , and I will direct that myself also .
I completely oppose this attempt at restriction/regulation. Individuals should be able to choose which investments they invest in.