We need to update amc short interest and reporting
Any new rules to regulating shorts would be very welcome as a retail investor. As far as I’m concerned, these are the biggest problem in enforcing REG SHO and regulation of the shorting market is the T2 settlement period which obscures net positions for the average investor. And the other is the blurred line of market makers and hedgefunds. Hedgefunds can easily parade themselves as “bona fide”
Shorting is common practice within the securities market and usually helps balance prices of securities relative to the value of the security & the speed at which they've grown. There is nothing wrong with shorting, however there is a huge problem when certain stocks and securities have over 100 percent of outstanding shares shorted. This is mathematically impossible with the only
To whom it may concern, I would like to voice my concerns regarding the following: Naked short selling High frequency trading algorithms Payment for order flow Dark pools Over the course of 2021, meme stocks have made quite a splash in financial markets and exposed what would constitute fraud for the average person, but turns into "savvy investing" for financial institutions. The
The cat's out of the bag; retail investors now see and know that hedge funds and big business, in general, are taking advantage of the general public. Excessive and indefinite short-selling to drive stock prices down (and some companies out of business), as well as trading away from major exchanges that retail investors cannot interact with is destroying our faith in the system. The
I urge FINRA to put in place daily short percentage update requirements and reporting. I believe this will strengthen our marketplace and help our great American businesses fight manipulative overleveraged shorting. I also believe Failure to Delivers should get reported as often as possible and should be investigated quickly and effectively. Thanks for your time and consideration.
We need much more transparency in our market and this is a good start.
As a retail investor, I support these rule changes. Legal investing can only be accomplished in a regulated, transparent, non-manipulated market with rules that are agreed upon and ENFORCED. Everyone is entitled to know where all the bananas are and how they are being bought and sold.
More frequent public reporting of short positions and more details in public reports