Having the flexibility to invest in these types of products is critical to my success as an investor.
Everyone has the right to invest! Stop trying to keep people in a low income status. Families have the right to invest for their children. Stopping everyone from investing is income discrimination.
Please consider the rights of the general public in investments. It should be my right to invest in what I feel is the right package for me, not FINRA.
Investing should not be determined by how many billions you have to invest. We all should have access to invest as we see fit, or are able to use our assets in the way we would like.
This comment is reference proposed FINRA Regulatory Notice # 22-08. I am against any regulation that limits my ability to invest in any mutual fund, ETF or stock. This includes mutual funds and ETFs that are leveraged or work inverse to a particular index. I am capable of understanding the risks, and rewards of these type investments. We do NOT need another regulation! Bill Hiemer
It's important for every citizen to have the right to purchase whatever stock we want. We need to retain the freedom to do this. Why take away our freedom. I don't need to take a test to be able to make informed decisions on stock purchases and I don't need anyone else making my decisions for me.
I Oppose Restrictions to My Right to Investments! Me- not regulators-should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
Investing in leveraged and inverse funds should be available to anyone regardless of net worth, special approvals, "cooling off" periods, or broker approvals - however, I am in favor of people having to sign off on disclosures to ensure investors are aware of the greater risk some of these assets pose. While you can lose money in any investment, the fact that your exposure can
Keep your government grubby hands off the money of the people of the United States. You were appointed to your position by the people and you work for us not the other way around. Just remember that we put you in your position and we can take you out of it just as easily by what ever means necessary. Think on that for awhile.
To whom it may concern,
Please hear my conviction that restricting the rights of investors to invest in complex products is unjust and unequitable. The proposal is fundamentally flawed.
The role of financial oversight is to FACILITATE investment, not RESTRICT it.
In addition, Each investor should be free to pursue financial security according to their own best judgment, not as dictated
People should be able to decide for themselves what investments are appropriate for their situation and NOT some regulatory body.