Please do not limit our ability to invest in these types of funds!!
I am a small private investor with a great deal of experience however I might not measure up to your new strict standards.That concerns me as I use these investments as short term hedging vehicles. I shouldn't have to go through a special process to qualify, what brokerages have in place now is very adequate. Your proposed new rules would make these products the exclusive trading grounds of
It is not the function of the government to predetermine the outcome of investment decisions but to provide and maintain freedom to the investing public to evaluate risk/reward according to their unique outlook and opinion.
You shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. Please don't make the investment landscape more difficult by imposing unnecessary restrictions. Inverse funds are one of the few ways to have a strategy that
Leveraged etfs are risky, yes. But what better way is there for a low net worth, young individual to increase their net worth. Most people that buy leveraged etfs, actually win. Look at upro's, spxl's, sso's, spuu's return over these decades. It will continue in a relevant sense. All of those etfs would have survived 2008 and ended up with more money than spy. If you want to
Restricting my investment abilities should be my choice.
I think those restrictions are good idea to protect small investor. So go for it I support it .
You not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. It is very important that you express your views in your own wordsyour comments are more likely to be taken seriously by FINRA if they reflect your own experience and perspective. Not only do you have the
I use these leverage ETF as tools to offset risk on long holdings and hedge against the market one way or another. To remove this too would be detrimental to my ability to asses risk and protect my account holdings. Please call, text or email anytime. Kevin R Kieffer, Broker Associate | Compass | [REDACTED]
Stay [REDACTED] out of my way and let me do with my money as I wish. You regulators are a bunch of control freak [REDACTED]. John Daniels