I oppose any new regulation that is going to limit my ability to freely buy and sell shares of certain stock. As average middle class citizens trying to get by we are already getting stretched thin with the recent lowering of the $600 threshold (1099) with this current awful administration, and now this. Stop proposing measures that will only hurt average middle class citizens trying to better
Please stay out of what I invest in! Period.
Investor understandings are subjective! Complex products is so broad, arbitrary and vague. Investors have the right to decide which public equities, bonds and funds they want to buy. I oppose limitations on my ability to buy leveraged and inverse Funds!
I want to be able to invest in Proshares Funds like SCO. I understand the risk and feel this is hurting the small investor which is Anti-American. Please do not overextend Government reach on this one.
Independent investors see that markets go up and markets go down and need to have the ability to invest in inverse funds without the cost of expensive advisors and with the same freedoms as large institutions. We do not need the nanny state protecting us from our own assessment of risk. This is a basic freedom versus big-state control issue. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse
It is ridiculous to keep smaller investors from being able to take a short or leveraged position in the markets. I have made a good deal of money that I otherwise wouldn't have without these tools. Why should only wealthy people have access to these markets?
This is incredibly disappointing and an attack on middle class investors. To limit the ability to invest in certain funds only consolidates power among the wealthy and elites. It proposal only validates the view that FINRA and other regulators arent there to protect anyone except the powerful and elite.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest in leveraged and inverse funds.
During my 40 year working career while saving for retirement, I educated and positioned myself to competently manage a retirement portfolio. I am fiscally conservative and understand the risks associated with using the myriad the investment products currently available. Besides a variety of indexed ETFs, I have come to rely on the judicious use of inverse and/or leveraged funds, commodity, and