The leveraged and reverse ETF's provide the investor public options to make investment choices with their relevant levels of risks.
As a FINRA member and long time investor in inverse and leveraged ETFs, I am totally against your proposed regulations in relation thereto. Yes, these are potentially lethal products and I've had my share of losses trading them, but they are still a valuable option to have in one's investment quiver...especially in uncertain now. FINRA trying to regulate investors'
I think it's extremely important that professional advisors have the ability to work with or against the general market directions from the standpoint of hedging client portfolios, and these funds are the easiest and most efficient ways to implement these hedges. For example if the markets are down 15% this year and a hedge with this type of fund means only -8% loss for clients then they are
I totally disagree with the proposal to regulate leveraged and inverse ETF's. They should be available to everyone, not just high net worth individuals. I understand the risks and use them strategically as a small fraction of my overall portfolio. I do not need anyone telling me what to do, or having to prove myself capable. I also totally disagree with the current regulations that restrict
It is unacceptable and unfair to remove access to leveraged and inverse ETF's from individual investors. Especially, if high net worth individuals continue to have access to these funds. The rules should be the same for everyone. It is not the job of regulators to "protect" us from ourselves.
Retail investors should have access to inverse ETFs for hedging purposes. For complex products, ETF sponsors/managers should provide easy to understand demos & other materials to retails investors for education purposes. Thank you!
Inverse funds are elemental to may hedging strategies, and to eliminate them would be massively inconvenient for investors worldwide.
I oppose any restrictions on what adults invest or speculate in with their own money.
I am against the proposed legislation, as I am capable of making risk/reward decisions better than government bureaucrats.
As an American citizen I should have the right to invest in any products anyone else can invest in regardless of my financial status and regardless of my educational background. Quit trying to squash the little guy. Stop all these regulations and remove many of the regulations that prevent people from investing the way they want to.