Citadel and Robinhood must be held accountable for their collusion and manipulation of the "fair market." They should not be allowed to have any interests or assets in the market. Their assets need to be forfeited.
FINRA 21-19 is a long overdue change. It is clear that the integrity of the United States market has been strained to the edge of disaster, in large part due to systemic risk developed under the regulatory authority of FINRA's outdated short interest reporting policy. While many of the policies mentioned in Regulatory Notice 21-19 address the general breadth of exploitable and ineffective
What the world saw in the final week of January 2021 was the cartelization of speculators who specialize in selling short stocks and options in the American capital markets. Whether or not this association's formation was premeditated or ad hoc is irrelevant to the events that unfolded and are continuing to unfold in relation to the impending implosion, real or perceived, of the system that
I would like to comment on two particular components of 21-19. -"It is possible that the public dissemination of more granular data could discourage short-selling activity, which is an important mechanism for both efficient pricing and for liquidity provision. We also request comment on potential negative outcomes of making this information publicly available on an aggregated basis." -
No matter how the details are arranged, the SI must be reported as a true and accurate level of shares sold but not possessed, and on as close to real time as technologically possible. Maintaining an accurate and transparent market, while disadvantageous to those who would manipulate it for their gain, is an absolute necessity for the future of our economy and nation. Everything must be above
It doesn't make sense in the information age to only make public short interest data on such a low cadence per month. There needs to be stricter requirements on mandating report of short interest. Thank you.
Thank you FINRA for opening the opportunity to comment on Regulatory Notice 21-19 to all investors. Theoughout Throughout last two years, I, along with many others, have enjoyed expanding my knowledge base of the stock market. The more I've learned about the stock matket, the less faith I have in the system. I can open an app on my smart phone anywhere in the world, send money through my
Markets need to be more fair. How are Citadel and Robinhood allowed to make backdoor deals with no serious penalty?
Brokers should not be able to lent out our shares and use it for illegal short selling. Many brokers have this program, and some of them opt-in to lent out our shares even if the customers agreed not to.
I guess you need me to tell you to do your jobs. Wall Street requires regulation. Look around you and open your eyes.