"Broker Dealer Only" refers to FINRA-registered representatives and firms. "Dual Representatives" refers to FINRA-registered representatives and firms who are also registered as investment advisers. "Investment Adviser Only" refers to individuals and firms who are registered only as investment advisers and are overseen by the SEC or state regulators. “Securities
Large firm = 500 or more registered representatives; Mid-Size firm = 151-499 registered representatives; Small firm = 1-150 registered representatives. Total includes Small, Mid-Size, and Large firms.
Individuals entering and exiting by firm size may differ from the total number of individuals entering and exiting the industry as individuals registered with multiple firms are counted for each firm they represent, potentially in the same size class or in multiple size classes depending on the sizes of the employing firms. Large Firm = 500 or more registered representatives; Mid-Size Firm = 151-
"Broker Dealer Only" refers to FINRA-registered representatives and firms. "Dual Representatives" refers to FINRA-registered representatives and firms who are also registered as investment advisers. "Investment Adviser Only" refers to individuals and firms who are registered only as investment advisers and are overseen by the SEC or state regulators. “Securities
I would like to see more oversight over short interest reporting. Increasing the reporting requirement frequency to daily would be a great start to begin leveling the playing field. The game is rigged right now. Investors will stop investing in equities eventually if they believe (rightfully so) that the whole game is rigged. Firms like Citron Research need to be out of business.
I would like to have equal transparency among all investors and eliminate dark pool trading and other off site trading venues that the majority of retail investors do not have access to. Fines for cheating are not enough. Liquidate institutions who fail to deliver!
Please do something about the manipulation of the AMC and GME stocks. Excessive dark pool trading, excessive short selling, being contributing factors.
Make it more transparent. What happened with robinhood and the “‘meme stocks” was disgusting. We can’t continue to allow wallstreet to shaft the retail trader.