SEC can go [REDACTED]. They are an evil entity like the rest of treasury and supposed criminal U.S federal reserve. These criminals support their own agenda and are crook like CFTC.
Please let retail customers to have basic free market rights.
Barriers to investing should be removed not subject to increased regulations. Enough with the SEC's paternalism in the guise of protecting retail investors.
It should be the responsibility of the individual investor to determine the risk of using these particular products. The notion that somehow some regulation can "save" investors from making bad investment decisions is an illusion. Investors should have the right to invest as they see fit without any intrusion by any third party, government or otherwise.
There is no reason for such overregulation. I have been investing in such funds for many years and wish to continue to do so without interference. Regulations like these just complicate the process and make it more expensive and more difficult for investors to participate in free markets.
I support increasing regulatory scrutiny of complex investment interests to prevent powerful financial interests from using them to scam ordinary investors.
I believe as an investor I should not be limited to certain funds while others are allowed to use them. This bill is simply another example of law makers giving the upper hand to Wealthy investors only
Investors should have the ability to research and then make their own investment decisions with inverse/leverage to help hedge risks.
I use and fully understand the risks of ETFs which short the market. I need these to protect my principal in down markets.
Please stop prohibiting our only way to involve into future markets