Shorting stocks should be illegal! It is only a way to manipulate price! If you wanna play you gotta pay!!!
Dear SEC, From: Concerned Citizen Regulations are mainly out of reach. The old way of taxing is running out of runway, but with every innovation (Blockchain/Defi tech) comes some form of change. I believe we are undergoing radical change that will disperse wealth to the people. Isn't that the goal. Taxes and policy/regulation will for sure stifle American GDP in comparison to other countries
All I ask for is a level playing field when investing my hard earned money. I would like to invest in companies I believe In without being taken advantage of by the chip leader. Please continue to fight for retail investors so that we can utilize the stock market the way it was designed. Thank you
There needs to be hourly reporting of short positions and it must be monitorized. The manipulation of rerouting over 50% of trades daily of AMC through dark pools to benefit Hedge Funds positions is not a free market. I have watched blatant manipulation through AMC and GME. I am a professional business woman who has done lengthy research into FTD’s, Synthetic Shares and how there are possibly 29B
Every investor should have access to the following data(In real time whenever available) -Updates on short interest data -Settlement on transactions - Failure to deliver data -Synthetic short data (so called naked shorts) -13F filings for short positions Additionally the following practices should be either be made illegal or become significantly more regulated * Single side dark pool trading
In a fair and open market there should be transparency and a level playing field for all investors. Right now, there is a massive deficit in access to information, trade speed, preferential terms and types of trades, and pay-to-play investing that heavily favors institutional investors over retail investors. Additionally, institutional investors engage in relationship-based, illegal, or near-
We need a system with accountability and where the playing field is even. No more dark pools or shorting
What is extremely discouraging is becoming aware of Dark pools, And in particular Citadel Connect. Where apparently they don’t have to report anything to Finra?? Is they are using dark pools and the connect forum to trade. And Lee the stock price down of say AMC for example. Is gives very little confidence in the system. especially as retail investor are becoming increasingly more aware of how
1)Retails investors buy orders should not be going to dark pools if we cannot trade there. 2) 100% Accurate reports on short interest. 3) Have proof that FTD’s were actually bought. 5)Have frequent checks on shares outstanding and if number is over the shares outstanding have short sellers or any participant who responsible for the FTD/Naked shorts has to purchase shares immediately. 4)Hedge
BAN all OTC & HFT (dark pool and high frequency trading). Ban Citadel Connect, rehypothecation, and short selling like EVERY OTHER FIRST WORLD COUNTRY has so the United States financial system isn't looked at as a place to commit fraud. Take away licenses from people who break the laws. Citadel has over 58 infractions in the past decade and they're still allowed to do business?