I oppose ANY government restrictions to my rights to invest my money as I see fit. The government should NOT restrict my access to investing in inverse funds nor should they prequalify me to do so. Proshares takes care of all investor qualifying and notifications necessary to protect both my and the public's interests.
As an Investor on TDAmeritrade I was approved an account to invest. My expectation, as a customer, is that my brokerage provide me all the tools that any investor would have access to and NOT based on my WEALTH!!! By limiting investment vehicles to users based on how much money they have is wrong and is only used to keep people from getting ahead. Saying you are protecting me from loss is [
Good morning, It is my understanding that there are proposed restrictions on individuals using leveraged and inverse ETFs investment instruments. My use of ETFs offer me diversity, liquidity and income. The ETFs invest in a large number of stock which spread risk. The active ones also trade millions of shares per day which offer the ability to sell shares quickly and because of their volume the
I do not need the Federal government to protect me from my own financial decisions, nor should the Federal government impose restrictions on anyone else's investment decisions. Stop assuming all Americans are stupid and in need of protection from themselves.
The decision on whether or not an inverse or leveraged product be available to an investor ought to rest solely with the investor. Any investor who would be willing to use such products is well aware of the risks and can make their own financial decisions. These are complicated products that the retail trader would not use. To be able to properly invest in financial markets requires extensive
Enough with the greed and self- serving. Once again that's what this is about. People should have their own choice to decide and be able to benefit from that.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. Leveraged and inverse funds are important to your investment strategies.
Inverse funds are an important investment vehicle that should be made and kept available to the average investor. They offer investors the ability to hedge other investments and protect themselves from adverse market moves. To remove this tool from investors would be short sighted and negatively impact the average investor by not allowing this tool for them but to continue to allow it for high
What happened to capitalism???