I don't think there should be limited access to inverse or leveraged funds. These investments allowed protection from the recent market down turn and increased inflation and energy prices by affording me the opportunity as a smaller investor to take positions in the market for protection that normally would only be available to institutional investors thru the futures or options market. All
The US Constitution guarantees Americans the right to life, liberty and property. That means Americans have the right to spend or invest their hard-earned after-tax income (property) however they see fit, as long as they do not violate the equal rights of other people. It is not possible to violate the rights of other people by voluntarily buying and selling from them. As a result, American
to: FINRA I believe the proposal to restrict my or anyones right to invest in the way that they desire is more of the government nanny thinking. This hasnt worked well in anything that any regulatory body has implemented. People cant learn unless they can make mistakes and you are clearly on a misguided mission..
I oppose any restrictions to my right to invest in leveraged or inverse funds. These funds are critical components to my investment strategy. Regulators have no right to tell me what I CANNOT invest in when such investments are in the public domain. I have a brain and I can understand risks. I control my investments - not you or any other entity. There should be no limits, restrictions or special
I should be allowed to invest in any publicly traded funds without passing any test. Leverage funds enhanced returns in a bull market and inverse funds help protect my investments in a bear market. Government has too much power and are not smarter than the rest of us.
This is severely troublesome. I, Brent Rusinoski rely on free trading including inverse stocks because I actually invest hundreds of hours of research and willing to lose everything so I can potentially make a profit. Who are you to tell me I can or cannot do such a thing.
Why would it be necessary to restrict average investors or traders from buying these funds? We are the ones putting OUR money at risk. Don't try to save me from myself.
This attempt at preventing investors from making investments of their choosing is un-American and appears to be another way to further stack the deck against individual investors. As if the un-punished crime publically commited by Robinhood with them protecting hedge funds and stopping profits by a large group of small investors wasnt bad enough, this further rigs the game to ensure more small
So, another attempt at keeping the common man down eh? Listen. Don't limit us. If you believe in the success of what investing can do, and you wouldn't have wanted someone to limit your rise to success, whatever form that may be, then don't do it to us. Don't be greedy or selfish or inconsiderate. Give everyone a fair chance.
The problem I have with such a proposal is that it negates the biggest threat to any individual investors, which is unchecked major hedge funds using their money with little to no thought of safe financial practices.