It is necessary that I have access to Fidelity
Its not right to let only the rich get richer while regulating the Everyman.
If retail investors are not allowed to buy leveraged ETF's, then the same should apply to institutional investors. The playing field is so distorted to favor wall street firms, bankers, and institutional investors, that it is a gamling casino not an Investment arena, and the problems caused by institutional investors have wreaked generational problems on the American economy, at the unfair
Dear FINRA: DO not steal my free agency to invest my money as I see fit. DONT HELP ME. I need the leveraged and inverse trading financial instruments in order to hedge my portfolio. I especially dont need your mandate to complete a trading school of any kind. Leave me alone. If you still feel the need to stick your self righteous ignorant nose into other peoples affairs may I suggest [REDACTED]
Stop this potential ruling!
I currently hold these types of inverse volatility funds and am against not being able to buy and sell them. Please don't change the regulations!! Thank you.
I use leveraged and inverse ETFs as a part of my investment plan for my family. It's easy to understand what they are and how they work. No restriction on who can buy them should be made.
I determine what investments are right for me and my family. I'm capable of understanding the risks of leveraged and inverse funds. I have a right to hedge my portfolio without the permission of the government. This is simply an attempt to harm the retail investor to the benefit of large investment firms.
I will take my own risk on my investment. I have freedom and right to select which kind of investment I make under my account, don't worry, thank you.