TD Ameritrade has a golden standard disclosure that the investor is required to read and sign before buying and selling Leveraged ETFs. Requiring all brokers to do the same, essentially, solves any problems that may be faced with educating a retail investor that a 2x/3x ETF can gain or lose 2x/3x times what it is measuring. Therefore, the investor knows it's not suitable to hold for any
I strongly disagree with the notion that more "guardrails" are needed for retail investors dealing in so-called "complex products." While some products are truly complex and require an investment of time for an investor to fully understand their risks and rewards, other products you name--particularly options--are not truly complex or difficult to understand with a modicum of
More regs are not necessary except on margin. Leave the small retail trader alone. The market is fixed enough by all the large players. You might want to regulate so called stocks such as DWAC. That is where the criminals are. Leave the traders alone with your rules. Not needed.
Keep your big-brother controlling bull in the guise of protectiveness out of this freedom!
I think the current requirements for self-directed investors are sufficient and there should not be more restriction on people to invest their money. The underlying premise that retail investors do not know what they are doing is flawed. What we need is less control and not more. Retail investors do not want to be forced into taking services from industry professionals and want to develop their
At the end of this tutorial, you should be able to set up a generic JS project using Angular and Grunt as a task runner. The project should be able to unit test, generate test coverage report, and minify the source codes with minimal configuration. This guide can help developers who are unfamiliar with JS frameworks and tools to start learning.
Bitcoin is a popular cryptocurrency, which is a form of electronic cash, in which a ledger of all transactions is stored as a blockchain. In this article we will show how to compile your own local copy of the Bitcoin client, run it, and add custom commands in order to inspect various attributes of the underlying blockchain.
API tests provide quick feedback, resilience against brittleness in tests compared to UI end-end tests, and provide consistent results. The business logic implemented in the server-side as an API does not need to be tested from the UI/presentation layer.
HiveQLUnit is a library of JUnit extensions for unit testing Hive scripts. In this tutorial we will explore how to create test cases for Hive scripts and then show how to implement those test cases using HiveQLUnit.
FINRA has provided transparency to over-the-counter equities (OTCE) trading for years through its public website.