Come on Finra and SEC. I’m a UK based investor and watching what’s happening with regards the Dark Pool and Hedge Funds having an unfair advantage in the Market place is one thing, but watching what’s going on daily with regards Citadel Connect and the underhanded shorting of AMC and GME needs to be investigated. The US is meant to be the land of the free and a place where “Dreams Come True” you
We need more transparency in the stock market. The market’s volatility doesnt match with the data we have at the end of the day we get information later than others and that is not true capitalism.
It seems to me, and many others from reading comments, that the short sale reporting features are very lacking in up to date data and it seems the delay is used to protect those whom are abusing the system. The OTC non-ATS trading system seems to be another area that is wildly abused by market manipulators and needs to have a complete overhaul, if not completely done away with. It appears that
Hi FINRA, what were seeing in the stock market is unprecedented. 71 percent dark pool volume for AMC from the same people that have a short interest. This is unacceptable in any “free and fair market”. Short selling is a cancer on the back of the US financial system and has adverse effects on the rest of the world. We need more transparency from the “too big to fail” players in the market and
I'm writing to request more transparency, fairness and accountability in our financial markets, as all of us rely on our regulatory entities for that assurance. There are some things that are of particular interest to me: 1. Transparency of Buy/Sell orders in the market as a whole, including but not limited to OTC/ATS off market trading. 2. Information market makers have when it comes to
(Centro de Reclamo para el inversionista)
Most business in the securities industry is conducted fairly, efficiently and in a manner that satisfies everyone involved. But problems can arise. If you believe that a sales person, brokerage firm or other industry professional has treated you unfairly, contact the firm to see if you can resolve the issue. If you are still not satisfied with the firm
On this issues presented, my comments are: Short Interest Positions: I feel that short interest positions should be reported as all other positions are reported. There are videos of former hedge fund managers(Jim Cramer) admitting that psychological manipulation and misinformation are essential tools for a hedge fund to create narratives in the media for the purpose of manipulating a stock.
Just speculation but I’d look at dark pools. We’re seeing 60-71% volume of AMC trading there. Would it be possible to have have someone purchase a bunch of long AMC shares in a dark pool. Then have someone like say citadel buy them in the dark pool for a slightly larger price just to dump in them in the market at open to discourage people from investing in AMC. Seems like manipulating to me.
Testimony by Senior Vice President of Investor Education and President of the FINRA Investor Education Foundation Gerri Walsh Before the Senate Special Committee on Aging
Currently, any users attempting to submit a TRACE or Over the Counter Reporting Facility (ORF) form filing will incur an error.
Firms should contact FINRA Market Operations or call (866) 776-0800; Option 2, with questions or for assistance in setting up new issues. FINRA will advise when this issue has been resolved.