Here’s a simpler solution…. Selling a stock that you don’t own should be illegal. Eliminate (naked) short selling… period.
Do not allow options mechanics or trading between parties to hide short positions. Also, make short positions greater than 2% of a stock’s outstanding shares public knowledge and require reporting in filings.
I think that naked short selling should be completely outlawed in every corner of Wall Street. However, considering that large financial groups have very large amounts of money and power in their favor, I don't think that is possible. What is possible is complete equality and transparency when it comes to disciplinary actions enforced. For example, the hedge fund Citadel Securities has been
All short positions made by large institutions should be reported including naked short positions daily.
You have lost people's trust. Your polls are pointless and useless like the SEC.
Fractional short shares must be included in reported short interest else the rule is pointless. Truncating will allow 10billion .5 shares to go unreported and should legally be reported as 5 billion short
Quit allowing shorts, do your jobs. Put an end to dark pool abuse….you and other “regulating” or overseeing groups are just as much of a problem and just as guilty for allowing these abuses
A good idea would be a pod cast or YouTube channel dedicated to talking about investing in laments terms. (Fun, casual, but not cringey like the PR stunt Ajit Pai tried to do with NN). Sometimes, the word “education” seems boring or may turn people away as it may sound like a lecture or too big to understand. An easy to understand conversation on FCC roles, the roles of retail and the roles of
Transparent markets End dark pool abuse Stop market manipulation Restore trust in US Markets!
The market is not free. Shorts are a scam. Naked shorting is a scam. In the name of AMC… the company is a victim of shorting, and likely naked shorting with the recent information on millions of failure to deliver numbers DAILY! What is being done about this? How can we allow this in a free society? This is embarrassing to American markets. How can AMC trade its own float multiple times a week?