Dark pools should be monitored and enforced with sanctions (suspensions) to prevent abuse which adversely impact true equity price and unfairly advantage market makers. FTD need to be enforced and not delayed with swaps and/or complicated moves not afford to the public. Naked Shares should be banned to prevent fraudulent resale of equities.
If you read the Regulatory Notice 12-38 regarding FINRA's Short-Interest Reporting Rule, you'll come across this particularly relevant question in the FAQs. Q7. How should a firm reflect fractional shares in its short-interest reports? A7. If a firm has a fractional short-interest position (e.g., 125.6 shares), it should truncate the position to reflect a whole number when reporting
Having dark pools that trade off market it’s just for manipulation and having platforms like citidel connect that doesn’t even report to you is insane. Auditing these market makers to see how many naked shorts they hold should be a top priority.
Short interest should not be self reported. I would like to see audits take place to check for shorts hidden in options. I would like to see a requirement to have all synthetic short positions and Fail to Delivers reported daily, making it public knowledge. Along with transparency, it should be publicly reported when institutions are margin called and when they close out their short positions.
FINES MUST EXCEED ill-gotten gains "EARNED" by bad actors in the markets!
re: Comment on Short Interest Position Reporting Enhancements and Other Changes Related to Short Sale Reporting To whom it may concern, the current structure and function of the American Equities Markets has, over a period of many years (& now on display for the whole world to see in the unfolding of the Meme Stock Scandal), been utilized to swindle trillions of dollars from The American
Also PLEASE for the love of god, end the ability to transfer FTD's to another party per REG SHO. This is an poorly written loop-hole that abuses the retail customers!
Current rules/regulations that are in place to monitor/report short selling and positions associated with short selling are entirely inadequate. Rules in place that allow for many loop-holes including short exempt, married calls/puts and dark pool activity + high frequency trading leaves currently regulations looking like swiss-cheese. Abuse from market makers and hedgefunds that are paid in gold
Aloha, The fact that short sale reporting is self reported is incomprehensible. The current standard for short sale reporting has allowed and incentivized certain institutions to conduct illegal activity with short and distort schemes. With the technology we have today the standard for short interest and short sale reporting must be updated. Short interest position and short sale reporting need
Technology is at a point where reporting times such as the current T+2 settlement is unnecessary and is being unfairly used as a tool for hedge funds and other entities to have leverage over retail investors. This can and should be transitioned to a T+0 settlement period. This modern world can transmit and receive data almost instantaneously and we should use this to help give the average