The data elements specified in Rule 7130(d) are critical to FINRA's compilation of a transaction audit trail for regulatory purposes. As such, all member firms using the trade reporting service of the System have an ongoing obligation to input such information accurately and completely.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2013-053 eff. Feb. 3, 2014.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008.
The US stock market is one of the most corrupt organizations in the world. The SEC only protects Wall Street at the expense of the public. Laws that were created in 2008 are blatantly broken every day. Felonies are committed against retail investors and no regulatory institutions do anything about it. Why make more laws? Why pretend FINRA or any other agency protects the best interest of the
Washington, DC — The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority announced today that the Securities and Exchange Commission approved a major expansion of FINRA's Trade Compliance and Reporting Engine (TRACE) to include debt issued by federal government agencies, government corporations and government sponsored enterprises (GSEs), as well as primary market transactions in new issues.
FINRA is reviewing retail municipal securities transactions. In connection with this review, we request your firm to produce the following information relevant to retail customer municipal transactions by your firm for the period from January 1, 2009 through March 31, 2009.
Neutral Corner - April 2007
There isn’t ANY transparency within the market. Would like the same information as everyone else. Dark pools need to be monitored and used for their attended purpose of large transactions that are approved or rejected by a third party. SSR needs to be enforced much more strictly. FTDs need to be enforced without delay. Actual substantial fines for FTDs, naked short selling to discourage illegal
Senior ManagementLegal & Compliance
Executive Summary
On July 11, 1994, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved an amendment to Section 5 of the Code of Arbitration Procedure (Code) to specify that arbitrators, at the conclusion of a proceeding, may refer matters arising or discovered during the course of a proceeding for disciplinary investigation
Washington, DC - The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) today issued What to Expect When You Open a Brokerage Account, a step-by-step guide to help investors opening new investment accounts.
A crowdfunding intermediary must register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a broker or as a funding portal and become a member of a national securities association (FINRA). The following crowdfunding intermediaries are registered with the SEC as funding portals and are funding portal members of FINRA.Learn more about funding portals.For broker-dealer firms, view the Broker
The Neutral Corner - Volume 2—2023