(a) Requirement to Furnish Information
Prior to a hearing before a Hearing Panel or, if applicable, an Extended Hearing Panel, the Hearing Officer, in the exercise of his or her discretion, may order a Party to furnish to all other Parties and the Hearing Panel or, if applicable, the Extended Hearing Panel, such information as deemed appropriate, including any or all of the following
SEC Rule 606(a) requires broker-dealers that route equity and option orders on behalf of customers to prepare quarterly reports that disclose specific information about their order routing practices for non-directed orders in NMS stocks and NMS securities that are options contracts. The reports are published as PDFs and XML files for each calendar quarter. Data is collected from firms at the end
Senior ManagementLegal & Compliance
Executive Summary
On July 11, 1994, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved an amendment to Section 5 of the Code of Arbitration Procedure (Code) to specify that arbitrators, at the conclusion of a proceeding, may refer matters arising or discovered during the course of a proceeding for disciplinary investigation
<p>Use of Modified Corporate Name</p>
The US stock market is one of the most corrupt organizations in the world. The SEC only protects Wall Street at the expense of the public. Laws that were created in 2008 are blatantly broken every day. Felonies are committed against retail investors and no regulatory institutions do anything about it. Why make more laws? Why pretend FINRA or any other agency protects the best interest of the
The Neutral Corner Topical Index; Volume 4 - 2008; Writing a Disciplinary Referral; Dispute Resolution news; SEC Rule Filing; SEC Rule Approval; Arbitration Awards: The Offset Option; Question and Answer; Arbitrator Tip
(a) Applicability of Rule
This rule applies to arbitrations involving $50,000 or less, exclusive of interest and expenses. Except as otherwise provided in this Rule, all provisions of the Code apply to such arbitrations.
(b) Single Arbitrator
All arbitrations administered under this Rule will be decided by a single arbitrator appointed from the FINRA chairperson roster in accordance with the
(a) Authority to Initiate Halts In Trading Otherwise Than on an Exchange in NMS Stocks and Facility ClosuresFINRA, pursuant to the procedures set forth in paragraph (b):(1) shall halt trading otherwise than on an exchange in any NMS stock, as defined in Rule 600(b) of SEC Regulation NMS, whenever a Primary Listing Market declares a Regulatory Halt in the security.(2) shall halt trading otherwise
There isn’t ANY transparency within the market. Would like the same information as everyone else. Dark pools need to be monitored and used for their attended purpose of large transactions that are approved or rejected by a third party. SSR needs to be enforced much more strictly. FTDs need to be enforced without delay. Actual substantial fines for FTDs, naked short selling to discourage illegal
Regulation T and SEA Rule 15c3-3 Extension of Time Requests Under a T+1 Settlement Cycle