I have invested in such funds for many years and it is my choice whether to assume this risk.
Its my money, let me invest it how I want. Leverage funds are good for trading.
This is protection from "big brother" I neither need or desire!! I am fully capable of making my investment decisions without the help of a government which is completely inept and irresponsible in its own financial matteres.
As an individual investor I am concerned that limiting my investment options is being considered.
Commodity ETFs, inverse ETFs, and leveraged ETFs are an important part of my investment strategy, both as defensive options in turbulent markets and as vehicles to enhance short to medium term trend investment strategies.
These investment vehicles should not be limited to use by high wealth
These types of investments should not be regulated. Current holders of these investments will suffer substantial harm should future purchasing be limited.
The ETFs are a great alternative to trade with less risks than futures, you should regulate more those ridiculous margins that futures brokers are offering, a huge percentaje of new traders loose the account because you allow margins in futures for day trading that are dangerous.
With ETFs the risk is less because you use less leverage.
Identity theft occurs when someone obtains your personal information and uses it to take your money or to commit fraud or other crimes. It's much more than an inconvenience—it can devastate your credit rating and derail financial security.
It poses severe threat to the market fairness!
Dear Sirs- I have been successfully using leveraged ETF's that follow a multiple of either the S&P500, The Dow, and the NASDQ to bolster my investment portfolio, together with bell shaped conservative funds, using a diversified mix of funds. I am an aggressive investor. I have had success with a 10 or 15% mix of 2x and 3x bull market etf's. I have found the S&
I should be able to choose the public investment not regulators. Public investment should be available to all who want to invest not only for the privilege, I should not have to take a special test before I can trade. It should be my decisions