The rule makes no sense. You dont need to be a market professional to understand risk that goes with these products.
I am very concerned about the FINRA Regulator notice #22-08 with the following reasons:
(1) I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
(2) I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. Unnecessary measures and extra requirements actually
If I choose to invest in these funds, I should be able to, REGARDLESS of my knowledge of these type of investments. If I choose to invest in them, it is on me for any losses, as well as gains, that I incur
Leave my LETFS alone let people make their own investment choices. if used properly LETFS allow ordinary individuals to attempt new strategies without turning to even risker trades such as options.
This is ridiculous. No one has any right to tell me where and how to invest my hard earned money. It's obvious the only reason why you would want this is so retail cannot make more money than a standard lousy 401k or IRA which limits the amount of investment amount for the year. This is about control and making sure you keep retail investment people limited to a certain investment. You
I need protection for my stocks
I should be able to decide what I want to invest in and I don't need to be tested to decide what I want to invest in
I am an individual retail investor and my family relies on proceeds from my investment activities for consistent monthly income. We are now fully retired.
We frequently rely on inverse and leveraged trading vehicles (ETF's), in limited appropriate amounts, to help meet monthly income targets. These short-term tools are absolutely critical to our monthly returns, as well as for our
It poses a severe threat towards market fairness. It's like locking people in home because of Flu, but except rich people. Retail traders or investors should be able to freely choose whatever products that fit their trading strategies. Finance is NOT only for the rich or the privileged. We know what leveraged funds are. If there must be something to be cancelled, option trade should be
Preventing the investments of inverse funds would be unconscionable. If not illegal to prevent these types of investments, it will change the market in ways that will prove that we are only puppets and regulators are clandestinely altering the investment markets unalterably