Leave our money alone! Respect our freedom and our rights
I am totally opposed as an American citizen to have FINRA regulators in essence restrict my right to invest in leveraged and inverse funds. It's one thing to protect American citizens from scams and shady financial dealing; it's another thing to start regulating the amount of risk I can assume.
Forcing me to take a test and prove my ability to invest in these types of
Hello, we all want to invest in whatever we choose. It is a right to express our free speech through deployment of our money in whatever fashion we see fit.
freedom of choice for all investors.
We the world are all watching you, the SEC, DOJ, and for that matter our Government. We are tired of being taken advantage of, before you limit what I as a retail investor can buy can you propose and pass limiting how much Im taxed or the company I own to say 5%? I know absolutely absurd, just like your proposed rule.
I am not in the investment industry, nor have I ever been. I have worked hard for my money all my life and believe it belongs to me, and I should be able to invest it as I see fit without some bureaucrat in DC telling me I'm too stupid to handle my own affairs.
If these public investments are so dangerous that they need to be reserved only to the "rich big shots" then
We want our rights to invest!!!
Regulators should not limit access to leveraged investments. Small investors need access to these investments to as they enhance the markets performance in ways similar to those that large investors have had and will continue to have access to. This regulation will punish small investors simply because they do not have enough money to pay for access to participate at the same level of large
Stop limiting what I can invest in. My body my choice.
I oppose restrictions to my rights to invest!