To impose Rule #22-08 would be completely un-American. Investors, other than holding government positions, should be able to invest in any stock, from penny stock to unlimited. This is another unfair, power grab law. Setting the powerful Uber rich above everyone else. This is wrong.
It's important for investors to have the freedom to take any risk they deem appropriate for their situation. Using leveraged and inverse funds give investors the opportunity to make money in all markets. It also helps them hedge and protect other pieces of their portfolio. All markets are different and taking away these types of strategies will reduce flexibility in portfolios and
I support FINRA's efforts to ensure the financial industry does not take advantage of unsophisticated investors.
I should be able to invest in any corporation I chose fit to invest in. Leftist socialists Democratic politicians needs to stay out of the American people American citizens personal affairs and Leftist socialists Democratic politicians are the ones while in office shouldn't be able to invest in anything until they themselves are no longer in public office
Please do not regulate crypto currencies. This is America and we will stand for freedom to keep government officials away from more and more regulations. This is the easiest way to exchange currency across the world. Please do not do this. We will fight for our freedom! Thank you
I not regulators should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for you and your family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
It is very important that you express your views in your own
wordsyour comments are more likely to be taken seriously
by FINRA if they reflect your own experience and perspective.
Not only do you
I oppose Regulations. It's my right!!
I think shorting leveraged ETFs should be disallowed. Perhaps that'd go a way in reducing systematic market risk from these financial instruments? There are plenty leveraged ETFs designed just for shorting an index and it makes no sense to me that one might prefer shorting the ETF itself. It more easily con-volutes one's thinking than just buying the bearish ETF.
Do not limit the availability of leveraged and inverse funds to retail investors with relatively small funding. The alternatives mostly seem to mostly include the use of much more complex financial instruments. Please leave this one alone. These etfs and etns allow an investor protection for other securities. Thanks
You have neither the Constitutional right, or moral obligation to tell anyone what they can, cannot invest in. I suspect what you're doing is to direct investments to the establishments " most favored" donor class.