Firm Violated Reg BI, Excessively Traded, and Churned Numerous Customer Accounts, Including Those of Gold Star Families
WASHINGTON—FINRA announced today that it has expelled Monmouth Capital Management for churning and excessively trading customer accounts in violation of Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI), failing to supervise its representatives, and providing false and misleading disclosures
In an effort to streamline the processing of information requests, FINRA is consolidating the number of request types that are sent to member firms from Member Supervision. The five new categories are: Firm Exam Request, Cause Exam Request, Trading and Financial Compliance Examinations (TFCE) Firm Exam Request, TFCE Cause Exam Request, and Statutory Disqualification. This change to Member
This Interpretive Material sets forth a membership waive-in process for certain New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") member organizations to become members of FINRA as part of the consolidation of the member firm regulatory functions of NASD and NYSE Regulation, Inc. ("NYSE Regulation"). It applies to firms that, as of July 25, 2007, (1) are approved NYSE member organizations or (
(a) The following Ground Rules govern the mediation of a matter. The parties to a mediation may agree to amend any or all of the Ground Rules at any time. The Ground Rules are intended to be standards of conduct for the parties and the mediator.
(b) Mediation is voluntary and any party may withdraw from mediation at any time prior to the execution of a written settlement agreement by
This rule is no longer applicable. NASD Rule 1010 Series has been superseded by FINRA Rule 1000 Series. Please consult the appropriate FINRA Rule.
This Interpretive Material sets forth a membership waive-in process for certain New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") member organizations to become members of FINRA as part of the consolidation of the member firm regulatory functions of NASD and
For disputes involving statutory employment discrimination claims, see Rule 13802.
(a) Lists Generated in Disputes Between Members
(1) If the panel consists of one arbitrator, the list selection algorithm will generate a list of 10 non-public arbitrators from the FINRA non-public chairperson roster.
(2) If the panel consists of three non-public arbitrators, the list selection algorithm will
FINRA’s Board of Governors met on December 1 and 2—and it approved two rule proposals and the organization’s 2022 budget, appointed several members to the Small Firm Advisory Committee (SFAC) and to the National Adjudicatory Council (NAC), and received an update on recently concluded Regional Committee and SFAC elections.
Below are the zipped daily files of the Structured Product Activity Report and the Structured Product Pricing Tables. The zipped files will be available on the 1st business day of the month for the preceding months reports.
For additional information regarding the available reports, please contact TRACE Data Services at (888) 507-3665.
I believe it's each investors responsibility to understand risk of their investment and each institution to provide investment vehicle. It's regulators' responsibility to ensure investment institutions to disclose risk information properly so that individual investors understand the risk they are take. But it's wrong for the government to put regulation in
Subject - Petition to FINRA opposing FINRAs proposal to restrict / stop trading in Leveraged ETFs / ETNs
I submit that the current controls of my broker when any investor invests in any leveraged ETFs / ETNs are adequate.
1. Every investor when trades in Leveraged ETFs / ETNs mandatorily signs the Designated Investments Agreement that clearly states the risk & the qualification